Sunday, May 8, 2011

John in Montpellier

I've wanted to post this ever since I got to Freiburg for my second week of spring break, but John's internet was being too slow to upload photos. Sorry I'm so slow! Anyway, the weekend before Easter John finally came to visit me in Montpellier. He arrived at 7am Friday morning and left Sunday night at around 8pm, so I had plenty of time to show him around the city. My plan was to give him a tour of all the cool stuff to see around the city on Friday, then take him to the beach Saturday, and then take him to my host parent’s on Sunday to have lunch and work on homework. This plan worked out great! John was taken aback by how truly Mediterranean the city feels, and I took some spring-y pictures and got to see some new stuff for myself.

The Esplanade 

For an assignment I had to take pictures of fountains. This one is on the steps behind the Corum.

It goes for the length of the stairs.

La cathédrale de St. Pierre.

It turned out not to be a very good weekend for taking pictures of fountains because a lot of them had been drained or had sculptures removed for cleaning.

John and I got chinese food for lunch and ate it under Louis XIV at Place du Peyrou.

Chateau d'eau


Place du Peyrou looking green

We went to the Montpellier botanical garden, which is one of the oldest in Europe. I hadn't seen it yet because I was waiting for spring time when it would be more green. This bush was huge and smelled absolutely amazing!
I thought this cactus looked like a heart.

Founded in 1593!

Another fountain. This one is in Antigone and has a copy of a famous ancient Greek statue of Poseidon.

When I showed this photo in class the prof interrupted me, like she does all the time during presentations, to complain that this photo was old and that I didn't take it. Usually, it has more water and there 3 sculptures of men in it that used to be in another fountain at the place de la comédie. Of course I corrected her and told her that all the fountains must be under maintenance.

John got to see the sea! The weather wasn't as sweltering as the weekend before, when I got to go two days in a row and even swam a little bit! I didn't even take off my beach clothes this time, and John could barely stick his feet in the water. Regardless, he was happy to the Mediterranean sea. 

That is all for now. I can't wait to post spring break pictures from Amsterdam, Keukenhof, Dublin, and Freiburg. They will have to wait though until at least later this week due to finals :(  

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